Recent news from Vita Media Group

Building loyalty

EkstraPoint is live in 6 markets Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany and .com and is experiencing a steady daily growth of 100+ users a day.

The users have a variety of competitions to enter in each market and new fast-developing competitions are in the pipeline to further develop the user experience and time spend on the Ekstrapoint sites, in order to continually build the sites SEO strength – which in turn feeds back into the user growth.  

More and more users are grasping the loyalty aspect of the site – not just treating it as a place to play some free games without further involvement. They understand that loyalty point purchase loop where you can play for fun, gain points and use them to purchase casino vouchers for our partner casinos.
In July about 750 voucher purchases were processed – and August’s numbers will top that in current forecasts.

The time spend on our sites in connection with our CRM flows, also have users committing to our casino affiliate offers. They use EkstraPoint to find new casino offers and claim the through our links and affiliate deals, ensuring EkstraPoint a steady long term income stream from external casino deals.

New improvements with regards to both written and video content, to further improve the user  experience and trust of EkstraPoint as a source and entry point of new casino registrations, are in the pipeline.

These improvements will be incorporated with the launch of a newly designed version of Ekstrapoint, which is well underway. This launch will not only improve the general design and usability of the site – but also dramatically increase the speed and loading time of the sites, which presumably have been holding the organic growth of the site back.

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