Recent news from Vita Media Group

CEO Jimmi Meilstrup explains Vita Media Group’s unique touch in Igaming – Interview for Sigma

Jimmi Meilstrup, CEO and Co-founder of Vita Media Group in an interview for Sigma

Our CEO and Co-founder, Jimmi Meilstrup, spoke recently to Sigma News about the latest news and projects coming from Vita Media Group, our very own Ekstrapoint, compliance, development plans, and much more.

As a part of the Igaming industry, Vita Media Group uses a range of affiliate marketing techniques. However, what plays a great role in our retention model is loyalty.

“We developed as an ideal to reward loyalty. Nurturing your loyal users establishes a long-term relationship. The next generation in lead-generation & end-to-end loyalty for iGaming operators from data-driven principles. ” stated Jimmi Meilstrup in the interview.

The interview was published on April 12th, 2021, on Sigma.

You can read the whole interview here.

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