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Everything about affiliate marketing: An interview of Vita Media Group CEO for Sigma

Vita Media Group CEO, Jimmi Meilstrup, in an interview for Sigma

Affiliate marketing is one of the most in-demand skills in the 21st century because marketers are willing to offer fair partnership and committed relationships with their audiences and clients.

And Vita Media Group is one of the leading affiliates founded on the principles of loyalty and commitment. This approach of work has resulted in growing numbers of associates who prefer Vita Media Group as their partner.

This and many more topics around affiliate marketing such as the Affiliate Grand Slam that took place in 2021 in Dubai have been covered in an interview with the Chief Executive Officer of Vita Media Group, Jimmi Meilstrup, published on one of the top-notch media outlets covering iGaming, Sigma.

“The very idea of affiliate marketing surrounds about a connection between people. The more personal the connection is, the meaningful the outcomes of the communication are.” is how Mr. Meilstrup described affiliate marketing in its essence.

Ekstrapoint, the first and only loyalty and retention platform for the players who love iGaming, has also been a topic in this interview.

Mr. Meilstrup stated that Ekstrapoint is an ideal to reward loyalty, and according to him, nurturing loyal users establishes a long-term relationship. Ekstrapoint represents the next generation in lead-generation & end-to-end loyalty for iGaming operators from data-driven and AI principles.

Read the interview: here.

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