Recent news from Vita Media Group

Full EGR Operator Awards 2022 shortlist revealed: Vita Media Group is 4/4

The EGR Operator Awards 2022 have revealed the full shortlist for this year’s awards.

And it surely brings joy to everyone at Vita Media Group as the company is present in 4 categories!

  • Affiliate of the year (Headline category) – This was the first spot on the shortlist that was revealed together with the headline categories, where Vita Media Group is competing against elite affiliates
  • Casino Affiliate – The Casino Affiliate category is part of the several affiliate categories and is the place where Vita Media Groups is also shortlisted
  • In-house product – What is new this year and it surely is making everyone at the company proud is that Vita Media Group’s is the product that is considered on the highest level and is making a run for this award.
  • Affiliate program – OMG Affiliates, an affiliate program founded by Vita Media Group in 2019, is making a comeback to the EGR Operator Awards shortlist. In 2021, OMG Affiliates was competing in the Rising Star category. In 2022, OMG Affiliates went a step up and are now competing in the Affiliate program category!

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