EGR Nordics Virtual Awards 2021 is an award ceremony that annually celebrates the most successful and innovative online gaming companies operating in the Nordic region.
This fantastic award ceremony wants to highlight the truly outstanding online gaming companies, acknowledging their commercial success, innovative operation, high-quality customer service, and all the other important aspects in our field.
This year Vita Media Group has been shortlisted for the Affiliate of The Year category. We are greatly pleased to announce this since the category is filled with other famous names. We are very touched to be considered in this group with all of them.
We have all put in a great effort and worked hard with our brand EkstraPoint. We don’t do this to win awards, but to create the best possible experience for all of our customers around the world. Nevertheless, it is fantastic to see that all of our efforts are acknowledged.
The CEO and co-founder of the company, Jimmi Meilstrup, said the following:
“We are very proud to reach this shortlist and receive recognition amongst such great companies in the Affiliate industry. We have worked very hard to come to this point and are very thankful for the effort from the entire team that has brought us to this point.
Some of the key indicators to why I believe we have managed to keep a steady growth on all parameters during the latest long time is partially due to our product, ekstrapoint.com. EkstraPoint as a product is something we developed and launched in the expectation of disrupting the entire gambling industry with a new innovative format to obtain loyalty by the users from. The platform has since its launch accumulated a great amount of loyal users that grows with 5.000 new members every month. A growth that has allowed us to include 7 geo’s, while we are aiming to include even more in the next close future. With a vision of becoming a lead gen company with as low as possible a lead conversion cost and as high a player lifetime value by means of a proprietary player rewards platform with the highest perceived player loyalty in the industry, this shortlisting confirms that we are taking steps in the right direction.
EkstraPoint is naturally far from the only reason for our success as we wouldn’t have been able to come to this point without the efforts from the entire organization and activities that we hold. Nevertheless this shortlisting is an important milestone for the company on a journey that has just begun.“
All in all, we at Vita Media Group are deeply moved to be included in this shortlist. You can read more about EGR Nordics Virtual Awards here: https://www.egrnordicsawards.com/home