Recent news from Vita Media Group

Vita Media Group’s company trip to Bulgaria

At the end of September, our Macedonian and Danish office got together in Sofia, Bulgaria. The purpose of this company trip was to plan the company’s future for reaching our common goals and also meet without the help of the internet and different communication platforms. 

After arrival at the beautiful Sofia, we had various activities, such as meetings to discuss the goals from different departments’ points of view, and leisure activities such as joined dinners.

Through different presentations and dialogues, we were able to define specific objectives to help us to reach the full potential of Vita Media Group. And we don’t plan on stopping there, but always continue working forwards, attaining new levels on our way.  

We are excited now to work together to get closer to these set goals, and look forward to joining our offices together again!

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Copenhagen office

Hellerupvej 8
2900 Hellerup,

Skopje Office

Skopje Office ul 1732, no.4/21 Building A 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia