Recent news from Vita Media Group

Meet Vita Media Group’s new Media Buyer!

Aleksandar Smiljanovski

We are very excited to introduce our new Media Buyer, Aleksandar Smiljanovski!

For some time now, Vita Media Group has been looking for a new media buyer to join our team. After an intense process of going through a plethora of great applications and interviews, we managed to find exactly who we were looking for.

Aleksandar got hired to Vita Media Group from a media agency he was working at. He is an experienced Digital Marketing/PPC Specialist, having more than three and a half years of experience in performance and campaigning in verticals like Finance & Insurance, E-commerce & Technology. He is a perfect fit for Vita Media Group’s growing diverse team, bringing his special skills to the table.

We are very happy to have Aleksandar in our team working with us.

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