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Vita Media Group to fund a demining project in Ukraine

Global political and economic developments throughout the world in the last two years have raised the bar and the expectations from socially responsible companies.

Humanitarian crises and war conflicts are a reason that challenged companies to intensively work on solutions that can help ordinary people. Especially the war conflict in Ukraine has brought the need for immediate actions that will bring ease to the everyday life of the civilians.

With this in mind, Vita Media Group is pleased to announce that it is the first company in the world to finance a demining program in Ukraine, in partnership with the Danish Support Group Ukraine.

Demining project in Ukraine

The Danish Support Group Ukraine is an NGO that was formed in Denmark to organize and provide help from the Danish to the Ukrainian people. 

The Danish Support Group partnered with Damasec, which is a global corporation with more than 20 years of experience in demining, battle area clearance, and related fields of work, and Vita Media Group is a proud partner of the project which will provide financial support.

The project will keep running to secure mine-free roads, schools, cities, and areas in Ukraine. You can help too in this project by contacting the Danish Support Group Ukraine.

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